Uncategorized Why you make more money by focusing on student success rather than selling more courses. ByMagic Emily Middleton June 20, 2020
Uncategorized How do I adjust my pictures as displayed in my courses so they don’t appear so stretched out looking? ByMagic Emily Middleton February 14, 2024 CSS code used in video:
Uncategorized Adding Leaderboards to Your LifterLMS Website Using GamiPress ByMagic Emily Middleton August 9, 2020
Uncategorized The Easiest Method for Course Cohorts with LifterLMS ByMagic Emily Middleton August 27, 2020
Uncategorized How To Create Users As Instructors in LifterLMS ByMagic Emily Middleton August 29, 2020
Uncategorized Cloning a Course with LifterLMS or Copying Over To Another Site ByMagic Emily Middleton August 24, 2020